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Showing posts from 2018

Handmade Copper Heart Necklace With Lapis Lazuli Stones

I made this copper wire heart necklace as a Christmas gift for a friend.  It's a whimiscal pendant accented with deep rich blue lapis lazuli stones.  I like combining blue stones with copper, it's a great look. The pendant hangs from a long ball chain and it will be a nice casual look over long loose sweaters.

Cold Weather Quote

"What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness." John Steinbeck

Nature's Fireworks - Fine Art Print

I would like to think that some good and interesting things are happening at night to balance out all of the criminal activity you hear about on the news.  And why couldn't plants have some fireworks going on to celebrate their big events, you know, like "Field Day" or "Aster Sunday". The colors are very sexy midnight blue and gold and if you look at the image with a bit of a squint you can just imagine that late at night, when no one is watching, there is an amazing display of Roman Candles going off in the forest meadows. This is a great one for the bedroom.   I'm not sure why. Print is signed and dated on the back.   All photographs are printed on archival quality fine art paper will be sent unmounted and unframed.   Product Data - Price : $ 40.00 Price Before :  Status : Save : 8.5" x 11" with border, ready to frame    Add To Cart Ratings : Weight :

Resin Pin/Brooch - Past Projects

I was going through my stash of various projects/things that I've made in the past and I came across a pendant that I made with Ice Resin.  Some of my experiments were pretty good...others were meh...and this one is not bad.  Anyway, this particular experiment is an image transfer on a bezel (originally a pendant bezel - I snipped the loop off and filed it down). I then filled the bezel with Ice Resin and once cured I attached a pin back so that I can wear it as a pin/brooch to hold my open front cardigans closed.

Caged Vintage Glass Marble Necklace - Hot Off The Bench

Here's another one of TP's old glass marbles that I've upcycled in this necklace design.  This one is a beautiful crimson red with a tiny bit of swirling (it's a darker red in person - red is so hard to capture with my camera) and again I've used the Tiffany solder technique.  It was fun to make and I'll be listing it soon in our Etsy shop.

Another Hot Off The Bench - Soft Soldered Necklace

This is another in my series of soft soldered necklaces and an idea that I will continue.  I've upcycled a piece of stain glass and soldered little springtime flower sprouts onto the glass.  I like it....and this is one that I will keep for myself.

Fall/Autumn Garden Mums In My Garden

When the rest of my garden is looking sad as the summer blooms are fading, I delight in the colour that garden mums display as they brighten my the yard.  I've planted several in my front and back garden and they are a wonderful burst of colour at this time of year.

Soft Solder Vintage Glass Marble Necklace - Hot Off The Bench

I came across these old glass marbles (I think this type of marble is called a slag) in our wall unit.....they belong to TP and he gave me permission to repurpose some of them in my jewelry designs.  I used the Tiffany solder technique with this pendant.  I wanted so see the marble but not lose it, so I caged it in a decorative way and added a bail.  The pendant hangs from a stainless steel ball chain.  It's a long boho style necklace to wear over a long bulky sweater and it's listed at our Etsy Shop .

Soft Soldered Flower Pendant Necklace

This necklace will be a gift to a special gardener friend of mine.  I've used pink Czech glass flower beads and the metal work and solder are lead free.  I patinaed, sanded and polished for a rustic look and added a patinaed stainless stain ball chain.  It's a long necklace that will easily go over her head. I hope she likes it! I think I may add some similar styles to my Etsy shop .

A Quiet Summer

It's been an interesting summer for me.  At the beginning of the summer, while gardening, I was bitten by a spider.  It was a nasty bite and I was prescribed antibiotics at the hospital.  Weeks later I was hit with vertigo that lasted up until a few weeks it's been a pretty quiet summer for me.  But all of that is in the past. Today, is a glorious warm autumn day so I took a photo of the last of my tomatoes and mini peppers.  We've had wonderful salads and tomato sauce with more sauce in the freezer for the winter. I took the shot of the butterfly with my phone a few weeks back.  This small white butterfly kept moving around my lavender....I don't think it helped that I still had vertigo.  Anyway, I think it's called a Cabbage White or Pieris Rapae. Everyone has chrysanthemums (mums) in the fall, and so do I.  At the end of October I remove the plant from the container and plant them in my garden for fall colour....

Kindness and Compassion - Thoughtful Quote

"Whether one believes in a religion or not, and whether one believes in rebirth or not, there isn't anyone who doesn't appreciate kindness and compassion ." Dalai Lama

Hello Spring - Spring Time Flowers In My Garden

Ah, Spring.  Mother nature keeps playing with us.  One day it's sunny and mild....then it's overcast and cold again.  But, it looks like spring really is around the corner because my crocuses are in bloom.  We'll soon be able to pack away our winter coats.  Hooray. Winter Heath - The little pink flowers of winter heath in my garden are a welcome sight as soon as the snow has gone because it's colour in the garden when everything is looking so drab.  And on a warm spring day it is full of bees - they love it.  Especially after a long winter. Ah, Spring.  It's almost here.

Polished and Strung Soldered Glass Pendants

These are the glass pendants that I've been working on.  More patina has been added, they're polished and they hang from a simple waxed cotton cord - perfect for wearing over a long t-shirt/tunic.

Hot Off The Bench - New Glass Pendants

New hot off my workbench - soldered glass pendants, soon to be strung with cord and listed both here and on our Etsy store .

Copper Wire Bird Pendant - Another Redo....

....well, not a redo, but an add-on.  I made the frame for this copper bird pendant a little while ago.  Again, I wanted just a wire pendant, no embellishment.  But, it was just too plain for me.  So, I got my seed beads out and wire wrapped them about the body giving this little guy some colour and a little more interest.

Copper Tree of Life Pendant For Myself

I made this particular copper tree of life pendant back in September.  I wanted something plain with no stones....just copper.  But I wasn't happy with the results.  So in keeping with the plain copper theme, I wire wrapped copper lined seed beads along the frame giving it more body.  Now I'm happy.  This one is a keeper....for myself.

Snow - Thoughtful Quote

"I wonder if the snow loves the trees and fields, that it kisses them so gently?  And then it covers them up snug, you know, with a white quilt; and perhaps it says, Go to sleep, darlings, till the summer comes again." Lewis Carroll

Buddha - Inspirational Quote

"If anything is worth doing, do it with all your heart." Buddha