It's been an interesting summer for me. At the beginning of the summer, while gardening, I was bitten by a spider. It was a nasty bite and I was prescribed antibiotics at the hospital. Weeks later I was hit with vertigo that lasted up until a few weeks it's been a pretty quiet summer for me. But all of that is in the past.
Today, is a glorious warm autumn day so I took a photo of the last of my tomatoes and mini peppers. We've had wonderful salads and tomato sauce with more sauce in the freezer for the winter.
Everyone has chrysanthemums (mums) in the fall, and so do I. At the end of October I remove the plant from the container and plant them in my garden for fall colour. Asters are a wonderful fall plant too but they are hard to find around here. So I guess I was lucky when I came across these plants a few years back. They're nice and big now and the bumble bees love them. I have 3 plants and each one must have at least 25 bees at any one time. These little guys look a bit blurry because they're busy getting pollen. And I took the shot with my phone.... my vertigo is gone!
Today, is a glorious warm autumn day so I took a photo of the last of my tomatoes and mini peppers. We've had wonderful salads and tomato sauce with more sauce in the freezer for the winter.
I took the shot of the butterfly with my phone a few weeks back. This small white butterfly kept moving around my lavender....I don't think it helped that I still had vertigo. Anyway, I think it's called a Cabbage White or Pieris Rapae.
Everyone has chrysanthemums (mums) in the fall, and so do I. At the end of October I remove the plant from the container and plant them in my garden for fall colour. Asters are a wonderful fall plant too but they are hard to find around here. So I guess I was lucky when I came across these plants a few years back. They're nice and big now and the bumble bees love them. I have 3 plants and each one must have at least 25 bees at any one time. These little guys look a bit blurry because they're busy getting pollen. And I took the shot with my phone.... my vertigo is gone!
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